On the face of it, this was a better Budget for the small business owner than we expected, but on the downside, we have to wait for the benefits.
The most notable and welcome measure is the new Employment Allowance, which answers my call for a specific break to reduce the cost of employing people. We need to see the detail, but if it works as advertised, it looks very encouraging. But why oh why is it not implemented with immediate effect? Businesses need support now and people, particularly young people, need jobs now, not in a year's time.
Other good news is on the employees' side. The increase of the personal allowance to £10k will keep more money in our team's pockets and share the burden of keeping take home pay in line with inflation. Tax free child care will help working Mums to return to work. As an employer of talented mums and mums-to-be that we want to keep, any help is appreciated.
The axing of the fuel duty allowance is as welcome for businesses as it is for consumers. Let's see how much of it is reflected in the price at the pumps before we get too excited.
The cut in the main Corporation Tax rate doesn't help us. In fact, the rates have now been harmonised so the preferential small profits rate will no longer exist - is this right or fair? I'm not sure. Maybe hoping the small profit rate would be cut as well as NI was too much to expect in one budget! Seriously though, the Chancellor shouldn't lose sight of the significant strain on cashflow that Corporation Tax can cause the average small business at a time when year-on-year growth in turnover and profits is far from guaranteed.
So, in summary, more than I expected and the intention of the Budget seem right - we just need the help now!
Neil is a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing with many years' experience in marketing, brand and communications.
CEO / The Marketing Eye
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