Quite often, our clients want us to take them back to basics, sometimes because they have lost their way in terms of their marketing strategy, but other times because going back to the beginning can often open up new avenues and ideas.
In order to get back to basics, and establish the marketing road map going forward, we suggest having a brand proposition workshop. This helps to put us and our client on the same page. It gives us both time to think about what the business really offers, why customers should choose it and why they should stay loyal. It also lays solid foundations for our future working relationship and sets out some clear goals to work towards.
Getting the brief right at the start will make all the difference to producing the best return on investment and achieving measurable results.
Below are some of the guiding questions we set out in this workshop:
What's the big picture? What does your business do? What is it trying to be? What's happening in the market that might help or hinder these ambitions?
What are we aiming to achieve? Are you looking for leads or just brand awareness and PR? What is the anticipated result? What do you want the target audience to think, to feel, to do?
Who exactly are we talking to? The more precise and detailed the answer, the better. Demographics, psychographics, age, gender and geography will all paint an insightful picture of the people you want to communicate with.
Why do your current customers buy your products and services? What are the specific benefits they cite as being influential in their decision making process? Avoid generalities - these only result in ambiguous communications.
Why should prospects believe your claims? What experience, qualifications and expertise do you have?
Do you aim to under-cut the market or charge a premium price? If the latter, how do you justify the premium?
Do you have a defining purpose that goes beyond simply making a profit? If not, should you have one? What is the contribution your business makes to society?
What is the budget? Do you have an appropriate budget allocated for the level of activity that is required? It is important that the budget is realistic and that all parties are aware of the level of marketing required from the outset.
Your brand proposition is the cornerstone of a marketing strategy. If you would like more information on the workshop process or for us to help you define your proposition and marketing strategy, give us a call.
by Darren Coleshill, 3 minute read
by Darren Coleshill, 3 minute read