How to create a lead generating landing page when promoting your product on social

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23rd February 2016, 5 minute read

Advertising your product or service on social media is becoming ever more popular. The format allows small and medium-sized businesses to reach their target audience through a detailed array of targeting options. The likes of Facebook and LinkedIn make it pretty easy to set up social media ads, but generating leads from this source is much harder, especially when most social media users are unfamiliar with your business, or have just flat out never heard of you before. One way to generate these leads is through a carefully considered and well-produced landing page. The following are the nine key considerations to think about when creating your landing page.

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9 key points to remember when creating your landing page

  1. Everything should match - remember, there should be no surprises; the landing page should concentrate solely on the piece of content you are promoting (Single-focused objective!). The ad copy should match the landing page and the landing page should match the content piece. Once a visitor’s contact details have been secured, the lead can then be nurtured through your marketing automation system, introducing other elements of your business.
  2. The Headline of the downloadable piece of content needs to be in the headline of the landing page. It should be the first thing they see, making it immediately relatable to where they’ve come from and what it is you are promoting.
  3. Remove navigation to other sections of the website (include only your logo with a link to the homepage).
  4. Include trust indicators – it is important to include your privacy policy, testimonials (quotes), and contact details in your landing page. Remember, visitors landing on your page have likely never heard of you before, so it is critical to instil trust right away. For a financial services company, details about how the firm is regulated by the FCA would be an important inclusion.
  5. Short and on-point – make sure you keep all copy short and on-point. Four or five bullet points on the guide or whitepaper you are offering are all you need. Visitors will immediately click off if the page looks chock full of text.
  6. Form should appear above the fold – i.e. visible without the need to scroll down. Also, the form should be short, only asking for necessary information. Visitors to the page will be in the awareness stage and will not complete a long form or give over detailed information having no prior knowledge of the company. If possible, FIRST NAME, LAST NAME and EMAIL should be the only fields in the form.
  7. Call to action must be clear – if they are downloading a whitepaper for example, the call to action should be something like: Download our free whitepaper. This makes it totally clear to the user what it is they are doing.
  8. Include social sharing icons. Including these icons allows users to share your content (landing page) to their own followers and friends on social media. This helps broaden the reach of your content to other users and makes your social media ad budget stretch further.
  9. Instead of offering up the whitepaper immediately after a lead has submitted the form, include a post conversion page (thank you page). Here, let the lead know that their guide or whitepaper has been sent to their email address. Once the lead is on the conversion page, it is now the ideal time to offer up further content and re-introduce your sites navigation links. There are two important reasons for sending the content to their email address rather than giving them immediate access. Firstly, you are validating that the user’s email address is real. Secondly, if your emails are falling into their junk folder, it is a good opportunity for the recipient to pull you into their inbox. This is pivotal when it comes to sending the lead future emails.

If you stick by these nine points you can’t go to wrong when creating your landing page. However, make sure you don’t neglect the other facets of social media advertising. A landing page is pointless if you can’t get them there.

Need help creating a winning landing page? Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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